License Recognition

The Facts Regarding Real Estate Occupational Licensing

Have you heard the drumbeat of the anti-regulatory/anti-licensing factions? Do you find the available studies on occupational licensing to be slanted, over-broad, and misleading? Have you had to defend against unfair generalizations and condemnations?

ARELLO has contracted research that looks at real estate licensing, specifically. The research agrees that some occupational licensing has been abused and that every action in this direction must be conscientiously undertaken. However, ARELLO's research drills down further aggregating accurate information addressing those concerns most often cited by the critics, such as: restraint, exclusion, industry protectionism, inflating costs, and failure to protect.

Facts at your fingertips; if you need fact-based information concerning the benefits of judicious real estate licensing and consumer protection, ARELLO is making this research available. You will find the facts presented in various formats suitable for a variety of uses, here:

Position Statement on License Portability

ARELLO recently updated its formal position statement on license portability. This document includes information about the various approaches to license portability that exist today, and details why we believe license regulation is still properly administered at the jurisdiction level, but that license portability between jurisdictions, with minimal administrative requirements, is essential for the real estate profession.

ARELLO Position Statement - License Portability Among Real Estate Regulatory Jurisdictions