Disciplinary Action Database

Access the DADB (password required)

This service is only available to regulatory members of ARELLO or those who are authorized to act on their behalf.


The ARELLO Disciplinary Action Database is designed to assist real estate licensing authorities in their processes for evaluating the honesty, trustworthiness, and competency of license applicants by providing them a mechanism to help determine whether an applicant for licensure has had disciplinary action imposed by a real estate license authority in another jurisdiction. For more information about how your jurisdiction can take advantage of this valuable service, send an email to dadb@arello.org or contact us.

How It is Used

Most states/provinces/territories run the names of all their license applicants (resident, non-resident and renewal) by this database to ensure that these individuals have not been the subject of disciplinary action. The ARELLO Disciplinary Action Database is a powerful consumer protection tool and is incredibly easy for regulators to utilize.

The Web-Based Interface

Regulatory officials or their designees needing to submit to or search the Disciplinary Action Database can now do so in real-time. Updates to the DADB are submitted and made available instantaneously. The web-based interface has also enabled ARELLO to add improved capabilities in regard to security, search ability, and billing reconciliation for entities registered to search the DADB.

Benefits of the Disciplinary Action Database

  • Regulatory body has immediate access to disciplinary actions imposed internationally.
  • A license applicant's past disciplinary record (imposed by another jurisdiction) can be verified prior to license issuance by matching on name, birth date and/or last 4 digits of SSN.
  • Regulatory body may check all of their current licensees against the DADB either annually or otherwise to verify that no licensee has a recorded license sanction of record (particularly revocation or suspension).
  • Regulatory body could monitor nonresident licensees who hold multiple jurisdictional licenses and continually verify that no disciplinary action has been imposed by another jurisdiction.
  • Regulatory body has immediate access to validate licensure thereby eliminating jurisdictions having to complete a license history or license certification if used in conjunction with ARELLO.COM.

Fees for Searching the DADB

  • Available in a flat rate per-search fee ($2.00 per search)
  • Flat rate per year fee. Contact us for more information.

* No other plan is available to third-party application processing vendors

A Typical Example Illustrating the Value of the Disciplinary Action Database

NOTE: This is a true example. The name and other information have been modified.

Mr. Jere L Allen, SSN 2574 applied for a license and indicated that he only held a license in Tennessee. While checking the Disciplinary Action Database we found that a Jere Lee Allen with an SSN of 2574 also maintained a Mississippi license however, he had been suspended in Mississippi for 2 years due to commingling of funds (as stated in the investigative report). Application has been denied due to falsification of license application.