
ARELLO curates several awards each year for exemplary leadership in certain areas of real estate regulation. Select an award category below to view nomination criteria and procedures, as well as past award winners.

Submissions are not open at this time. Submissions are typically open March - June each year.

Investigator Award

The award is presented annually at the Investigator Workshop, and recognizes investigative skills and accomplishments as reflected by the year's most outstanding investigation. Entries are reviewed by the awards subcommittee, which selects the winning auditor or investigator. Winner must be currently serving in an ARELLO member jurisdiction.

Education Awards & Communication Awards

These awards are presented each year at the Annual Conference in recognition of outstanding communication systems and educational programs that contribute to the real estate industry, promote public protection and might be adapted to benefit licensees and consumers in other ARELLO member jurisdictions.

Fair Housing Awards

This prestigious awards acknowledge impactful efforts to further fair housing and to promote anti-discrimination in housing. The purpose of these awards are: (1) to recognize outstanding fair housing programs that benefit the real estate industry in the promotion of, and compliance with, fair housing; (2) to increase the awareness of outstanding fair housing programs; and (3) to protect the public through honoring and promoting excellence in fair housing education programs.

President's Service Award

The President's Service Award is made to honor the efforts of a member who has provided extraordinary service to ARELLO over many years of involvement. The type of service recognized is not just participation on a committee, but as a dynamic force with resulting contributions in the areas of strategic planning, governance, and fiscal responsibility. Recipients have demonstrated results over an extended and sustained period of time which have made ARELLO a stronger and more effective organization for its members. The recipient is selected by the ARELLO President.